
Auckland Civic Theatre


Auckland CBD


Regional Facilities Auckland Ltd



One of only seven surviving atmospheric theatres in the world, the Civic Theatre in Auckland’s Queen Street first opened in 1929. Salmond Reed Architects played a key role in restoring the grand theatre to its former glory.

Photographic Inventories
New Design
Polychromy Restoration

In our project role as heritage architects, our job was to assist the design architects, Jasmax, to integrate additions and modifications into the original building.

We prepared a conservation plan, created a database of original interior paint colours and provided extensive photographic inventories before, during and after restoration. We also provided conservation expertise on heritage building fabric to Jasmax throughout the project.

As a result of the effort, Salmond Reed Architects was jointly awarded the 2000 NZIA-Resene Colour Award and Local Branch Award with JASMAX.

We acknowledge JASMAX for our continuing successful partnership in this project and others.

The Civic 02
The Civic 04

A highly successful major restoration—of one of Auckland's best landmarks, featuring well-researched details and sympathetic finishes, in keeping with one of Auckland's most loved public buildings.


The Civic 03
The Civic 05

More projects

Salmond Reed Architects is responsible for the specification and management of a complex and ongoing programme of repairs to Auckland’s Dilworth Building.

Salmond Reed have been instrumental in the restoration and seismic upgrade of the building which was completed in 2022, not only coordinating the seismic upgrade and major repairs to the building, but designing and implementing the complete restoration of the interior of the the building. The building now meets the standard of >67% of the New Building Standard and has been re-presented with robust finishes and detailing that reflects the historic importance of this architectural gem of a building.

Contact our experienced team to discuss your project


Level 4, Landmark House
187 Queen Street
Auckland CBD 1010

PO Box 105929, Auckland City 1143