
Waiheke Island Cottage


Waiheke Island





This cottage dates from the early 20th century and was once the Police Station and Oyster Inspector’s house, when the greatest concentration of Waiheke residents was at the eastern ‘Bottom End’ of the island. It was a largely self-sufficient community providing service to the active coastal trade of the Hauraki Gulf, and beyond to the Coromandel Peninsula.


The standard of original construction fell remarkably short of its counterparts in inner city Auckland, resulting in a restoration project which became a substantial rebuild, but it has been successful in maintaining a high level of authenticity. The closed in verandah was reinstated to its early form, with details re-imagined using archival photographs.

Traditional carpentry techniques were put into practice, with typical details referenced from early Auckland houses, such as ‘broomstick’ cornices, solid timber cupboards and linings, a meat-safe and a newly designed range enclosure.

A significant amount of original hardware was re-used, preserving the building's essential simplicity as well as breathing new life back into this iconic seaside cottage.

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Contact our experienced team to discuss your project


Level 4, Landmark House
187 Queen Street
Auckland CBD 1010

PO Box 105929, Auckland City 1143