Restorations can be a long time in the making and the St Clement’s Maori Anglican Church in Ahipara is no exception, as Salmond Reed Architects started the process of investigations, research, and reporting as early as 2005. This prominent church in the Far North has exceeded all expectations with its bright new sanctuary window, entry porch, and distinctive bell tower - all in time for its Sesquicentenary in 2024.
Salmond Reed Architects has been involved with St Paul’s for over 20 years having completed the Conservation Plan in 1998 and Condition Report in 2006. More recently we are working closely with the church overseeing the formation of a 20-year Masterplan, which will see the building seismically strengthened, appropriately repaired and restored, modernised and all being well finally completed. The project has been staged to allow for manageable areas of work to be completed in a strategic way, starting with urgent repairs to the tower, porches and west front, which were completed in 2020. Salmond Reed Architects played a major role in the detailed design, project management and contract administration of this important project.